Arlington Cares Recognizes ANV Volunteers for giving 100+ hours of service in one year
Arlington Neighborhood Village Volunteers Recognized at Volunteer Arlington’s 2021 Event, Arlington Cares
Congratulations and heartfelt thanks to our ANV volunteers who were honored on July 27th for giving 100+ hours of service over a one-year period. Volunteers make our village possible, not just through the gift of their valuable time, but with their care, commitment, and heart. Please join us in thanking the following volunteers who gave our village over 100 hours of their time in 2020:
Sue Arnold
Paxton Baker
Amy Brisson
Patricia Burke
Elise Burns
Beverly Cannizzaro
Mary Beth Chambers
Maribeth Clissa
Michele Downey
Gary Eiserman
Charles King
Liz Lichter
Robert Magner
Maureen Markham
Paul Merrion
Peter Olivere
Larry Padberg
Donna Pastore
Jeanne Radday
Michael Raizen
John Richardson
Tom Schlageter
Wendy Shapiro
Connie Sorrentino
Bob Stump
Mary Stump
David Thompson
Peggy Thurber
Susan Wallace
Anita Wallgren