Maureen Markham has lived coast to coast and has over 40 years of effective community leadership experience. She is retired from the Arlington County Housing Division where she worked on financing affordable housing developments, and still does consulting and teaching in Housing and Community Development. She has held Executive Director positions with three non-profit agencies including a neighborhood-based housing agency in Washington state that made loans to senior citizens to rehab their homes, and the Farthest North Girl Scout Council in Fairbanks, Alaska. Maureen has start-up experience with several organizations including a community health clinic, Community Economic Development Corporation, and various small businesses including her own consulting business. Maureen’s expertise and community leadership will help ANV continue to grow as a self-sustaining organization serving Arlington’s senior residents. Maureen has been an Arlington resident since 2005 and lives in the Columbia Heights neighborhood. She is excited about continuing her service to the community on the Arlington Neighborhood Village Board.