Thank you to our Legacy Circle, members whose gifts will sustain our vision and our work into the future.
Wells Burgess
Patricia Burke
Melinda Carlson
Barbara Carr*
Connie Sorrentino
Anita Wallgren
* In Memoriam
A bequest can be easy to implement, and your estate planning attorney may help you structure a gift so that your wishes for your loved ones and favorite causes are accurately fulfilled. Your counsel will need to know ANV’s EIN number (46-3591812).
If you decide to leave a bequest to ANV, please let us know so that we may express our appreciation and welcome you to the ANV Legacy Circle. You can call us at 703-509-8057 or send a message to ANV’s Executive Director at or by mail to Arlington Neighborhood Village, 4000 Lorcom Lane, Arlington VA 22207.