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Membership in Arlington Neighborhood Village gives you access to volunteer services to help you age in place safely as well as opportunities for meaningful connection,
new experiences, and having fun!

Arlington Neighborhood Village is right for you if you are:

Retired and seeking new friends and activities.
Getting older and in need of occasional help so you can stay in your own home.
Trying to identify and access county-provided services.
Interested in enjoying local educational programs and social events.
Reluctant to bother friends and family with routine requests for help.
Not yet in need of services, but wondering about how you might cope in the future.

Even the most independent among us have times when:

We need help getting to medical appointments or shopping, due to illness, surgery or a sudden fall.
Family and friends who generally help with transportation and chores may not be available.
We need information on reliable vendors, such as plumbers, handymen, or home health companies.
We need help with new technology, from cell phones to DVRs to programmable thermostats!

Full Membership

Entitles you to all programs, social activities, and volunteer services offered by ANV. The annual fee is $500 for one person — equivalent to less than $10 per week. The fee for each additional member in a household is $250.

Associate Membership

Entitles you to participate in all ANV programs and social activities. It does not include transportation service or volunteer-provided services in your home. Associate Membership is appropriate for those who do not currently have a need for volunteer-provided home services. The annual fee is $500 for either an individual or household membership. Since the full complement of volunteer services is not included, $375 of the annual fee may be treated as a charitable contribution for the general support of the organization and may be tax- deductible.

Discounted Membership

We offer discounted membership fees to both Individuals and Households, based on annual income. For Individuals with annual income up to $64,980 the discounted annual fee ranges from $25 to $100.

Give the Gift of Membership

Peace of mind is the greatest gift you can give to a loved one or a friend. And, when you give an Arlington Neighborhood Village membership to someone you care about, your own peace of mind is also much improved!