Community Update (5/15/2023)
Candidate Forum, May 18
ANV, the Arlington Commission on Aging, and Culpepper Garden Affordable Senior Living are hosting a forum for candidates running in the Democratic primary for the County Board on Thursday, May 18 at 2:00-3:30pm at Culpepper Garden at 4435 N. Pershing Drive. The forum will be focused on senior issues. All are welcome to attend; see below for more information.
55+ Program Summer Guide
The Summer Guide is out and registration for classes and events opens on Thursday, May 24 for Arlington residents.
Pop Up Picnic, Friday May 26
The special excursion on the Metro Silver Line to McLean has been rescheduled to May 26. See details below.
Health Fair, Wednesday, May 31
Join us to celebrate National Health & Fitness Day (hosted by ANV and others) on Wednesday, May 31 at 10:00am – 12:00pm at the Lubber Run Community Center. Information and screenings for: Blood Pressure, Vision, Hearing, Falls Risk, Cognitive Screening, Home Care Resources, Fitness Class Demonstrations, Senior Olympics, Vaccinations, Insurance Counseling and Assistance, Mobility Equipment, Community Services and Healthy Food Tastings. Everyone is welcome. See below for more information.
ANV Office Closed, May 29
The ANV Office will be closed on Monday, May 29 in observance of the Memorial Day Holiday.
Save the Date, ANV Picnic, June 17
ANV’s annual picnic and barbecue will be Saturday, June 17 at the Bluemont Picnic Shelter (as usual!). More details will be forthcoming in the June 1 Community Update.
New Members
- Howard Koretz
- Diane Quinn
- Jeri Quinn
New Volunteers
- Christina Kreutziger
- Sarah Rose Matata
- Sara Pikofsky
- Eric Sedlacek
- Audrey Tsaima
ANV Events are posted on our online calendar at so you can always easily find the Zoom link for any scheduled event.
Coffee and Conversations on Wednesdays at 10 am
- May 17: Life’s Difficult Conversations
- May 24: Ranked Choice Voting
- May 31: Senior Health and Fitness Day
- June 7: Early Music
- June 14: Desegregation and NoVa Libraries
- June 21: In-person C&C Tribute
- June 28: Home Care 101
Special Events
Weekly Groups
- Tai Chi
- Bocce
- Happy Hour
- Board Games
Monthly Groups
- Men’s Lunch Bunch
- Ladies Lunch
- Pop Up Picnic
- Page Turners
Educational Activities
- Wellness
Also of Interest
ANV Activities
Coffee and Conversation: Wednesdays at 10 am
Coffee and Conversation occurs on Wednesdays, 10–11 am. Join our weekly conversations via Zoom:
You also have the option to dial in by phone to participate without video. For that, dial: 929-205-6099. The meeting ID is 889 4857 7106 and the passcode is 872327.
Wednesday, May 17: Life’s Difficult Conversations. Health problems. Finances. Where we want to live. What we want the end of life to look like. These are some of the difficult conversations we need to have with family and friends. Yet broaching these conversations can feel frightening and overwhelming so we put them off, often to our own detriment. Erin Whalen, Founder of Compassionate Coaching and her colleague Elizabeth Jernigan, Role Player, will give us the tools we need to have these difficult conversations.
Wednesday, May 24: Ranked Choice Voting. The June Democratic Primary for two seats on the Arlington Board will be conducted using Ranked Choice Voting. But what is Ranked Choice Voting? How will your vote be counted? Ms. Tate Fall, Deputy Director of Elections, for the Arlington Elections Board will explain the pros and cons of Ranked Choice Voting and walk us through the process of voting for our preferred candidates.
Wednesday, May 31: Senior Health & Fitness Day. In lieu of Zoom, join us in person to celebrate National Health & Fitness Day at the Lubber Run Community Center from 10:00am – noon. We will have information and screenings for: Blood Pressure, Vision, Hearing, Falls Risk, Cognitive Screening, Home Care Resources, Fitness Class Demonstrations, Senior Olympics, Vaccinations, Insurance Counseling and Assistance, Mobility Equipment, Community Services and Healthy Food Tastings. Everyone is welcome. See more information on this event below.
Wednesday, June 7: Renowned Early Music performer, scholar and teacher, Dr. Tina Chancey, will describe her remarkable musical career, talk about the unusual instruments and music that she plays, and also focus on her most recent projects which include arranging and performing scores for silent films. Based here in Arlington since 1980, Dr. Chancey is a performer, arranger, teacher, recording producer, Early Music scholar and writer who is noted for her mastery of a wide range of early and traditional musical instruments; she can play just about anything with a bow and strings! She performs Medieval, Renaissance & Baroque, as well as Sephardic, Appalachian, British & Spanish Colonial, Irish and Balkan music.
Wednesday, June 14: Historical accounts of desegregation in Northern Virginia have focused on the “massive resistance” to school desegregation. Libraries, however, played a critical, though often unacknowledged, role in the struggle for Civil Rights. Join Fairfax County librarians Chris Barbuschak and Suzanne LaPierre as they discuss the overlooked and little-known history revealed in their recently published book, “Desegregation in Northern Virginia Libraries.”
Wednesday June 21: Join us for an in-person Coffee and Conversation as we offer a tribute to the ANV staff that makes Coffee and Conversation happen. This get-together will celebrate Anita Wallgren’s and Elise Burn’s tenure as C&C talent scouts, presenters and organizational geniuses. The C&C Team identifies topics and speakers, promotes events, manages and trains folks on Zoom, and shares results online. It is a remarkable group effort that is valued by ANV members and volunteers. This meeting will also give everyone the opportunity to meet the new volunteers who will help C&C become even better. We will gather at 10am on Wednesday, June 21 in the Party Room at the Lexington Square condo, 3835 9th St. North for coffee and donuts. There is metered street parking around the building. Lexington Square is also two blocks from the Virginia Square Metro stop. Please RSVP by calling the office at 703-509-8057 or emailing so we can get a count of attendees.
Wednesday June 28: Home Care 101: What is home care and how does it differ from skilled care? How do clients access home care, who pays for it and how much does it cost? Learn the answers to these questions and much more as representatives from ANV’s three “Preferred” home care providers join us to discuss home care.
ANV’s YouTube channel
If you miss a Coffee and Conversation speaker, be sure to check out ANV’s YouTube channel where we are posting some of our Coffee and Conversation speakers and other special events. Sit back and enjoy!
Special Events
Candidate Forum
Thursday, May 18, 2:00pm-3:30pm, Culpepper Garden
You’re invited to an Arlington County Democratic Candidate Forum on Older Adult Issues, Thursday, May 18, from 2:00 pm-3:30 pm at Culpepper Garden, 4435 N. Pershing Drive, Arlington. The event is sponsored by Arlington Neighborhood Village, Culpepper Garden Affordable Senior Living and the Arlington Commission on Aging. With over 36,000 older adults in Arlington it is one of the fastest growing population segments in the County. Forum topics will include housing — both aging in place and housing options for older adults; transportation access and safety; health access including mental health; food insecurity, and supportive and social services. Our moderator, Cheryl Beversdorf, is the host of WERA weekly radio program, Aging Matters. Candidates will begin with a one-minute introduction followed by questions posed by Cheryl and the audience. All older adults are welcome. There is on-street parking in the neighborhood. And free parking at the nearby Lubber Run Community Center, a short walk from Culpepper Garden.
Senior Health & Fitness Day
Wednesday, May 31, 10:00am – noon
Lubber Run Community Center
Join us in person to celebrate National Health & Fitness Day at the Lubber Run Community Center, 300 N. Park Drive, from 10:00am – noon. We will have information and screenings for: Blood Pressure, Vision, Hearing, Falls Risk, Cognitive Screening, Home Care Resources, Fitness Class Demonstrations, Senior Olympics, Vaccinations, Insurance Counseling and Assistance, Mobility Equipment, Community Services and Healthy Food Tastings. The Fair is sponsored by ANV, the 55+ Program, VHC, and Marymount University. Everyone is welcome.
Weekly Events
Zoom Practice Session
If you need some extra help getting familiar with ZOOM, just call or email and we will set you up with a volunteer who can help you.
Tai Chi: Tuesdays at 9:30 am
ANV Tai Chi practice meets outdoors every week, weather permitting. Meet the group in the parking lot at Museum of Contemporary Art (formerly Arlington Arts Center) at 3550 Wilson Blvd. If the forecast is too cold or wet, we will meet indoors. If you are interested in joining this practice (not instruction), please contact Anita Wallgren at or (202) 674-5553 to get the weekly location email.
Bocce, Monday’s at 5:00pm
Welcome back outdoor Bocce. Join weekly Bocce on Monday afternoons at 5:00 pm; games last approximately one hour. In addition to the two sets of bocce balls, we now have two new sets of boules. Bocce is played every Monday at the courts on the corner of Randolph St. & N. Glebe Rd. Parking is available in the Ballston Quarter parking garage for $1. All levels of bocce skills and experience are welcome. Everyone gets to play. Contact John Thomas for more information at
ANV Board Games Day, Thursday, May 18 and June 1 at 2pm
Do you like board games? Join ANV members and volunteers for Games Day at Ballston Quarter Food Hall (lower level). Look for players at the tables near the elevators. Play games like Scrabble, Mexican Train Dominoes, Cribbage, Ticket to Ride, Quiddler, and more. We play every other Thursday at 2pm. Parking is available in the Ballston Quarter parking garage for $1. Contact John Thomas for more information at .
Happy Hour: Thursdays, 5–7 pm
Join the ANV Happy Hour Group. The Happy Hour Group will try locations in the Ballston area. For more information and to know the weekly plan, contact Mike Murtha, Happy Hour Coordinator at Mike will add you to his email list and let you know the weekly location on Thursday morning.
Monthly Events
Men’s Lunch Bunch: Friday, June 9 at noon
The Men’s Lunch Bunch will get together at a location to be determined and publicized in the June 1 Community Update. Please RSVP to Tim Burns at or by calling him at 571-224-4546.
Ladies Lunch: Friday, June 9 at noon
The June Ladies Lunch will be at a location to be publicized in the June 1 Community Update. Please rsvp to so we may have an accurate count.
Page Turners May 25 at 11am on Zoom
Share a book that you have read, and you think would be interesting for other people to read. It can be something you are reading now, or a book you enjoyed in the past. Meet up with your fellow bibliophiles, share opinions, and learn about new books to add to your reading list. The group is hosted by Donna Pastore and Beverly Cannizzaro. See the April Book List at the end of the newsletter.
Join the conversation via Zoom:
You also have the option to dial in by phone to participate without video. For that, dial: 301-715-8592. The meeting ID is 896 6678 5566 and the passcode is 007241.
Pop Up Picnic – Special Event, May 26
Expanded Silver Line Excursion
Meet at Ballston Metro Platform at 2:30pm
ANV members and volunteers will travel together to explore exciting new (and old) destinations along the Metro Silver Line extension. The first destination on Friday, May 26 will be to Perch & Putt at the McLean stop where putt-putt golf and bocce is played on the Capital One Center rooftop. There is a Wegman’s on the ground floor where you can pick up food items either before or after. Two uniquely designed food trucks open for business at 3:00 pm serving Jamaican dishes and traditional street tacos. Parking is available in the Wegman’s underground parking garage, but you are encouraged to join other ANV friends as we ride together on the Metro Silver Line to McLean. Meet inside on the lower level platform at the Ballston Metro at 2:30pm for the first trip. Questions? Email
Educational Activities
Arlington Public Library Programs
The Library has several events planned for May; please visit their website to see the calendar of events. The Library staff have curated events from the 55+ Program, Encore Learning and elsewhere to make it easy to find something that will pique your E
Walk Fit has partnered with Lubber Run Community Center at 300 N. Park Drive! Meet on the 2nd level indoor track, Thursdays, 8:30-9:30 am. Walk Fit is an intergenerational walking program and is open to anyone looking for free, low-impact, and climate-controlled exercise. Participants enjoy great company while exercising in a safe environment. The morning walk is followed by a brief cool down and flexibility session led by VHC Health staff. For more information, please call Senior Health: 703.558.6859 or email
Walk Fit has partnered with Lubber Run Community Center at 300 N. Park Drive! Meet on the 2nd level indoor track, Thursdays, 8:30-9:30 am. Walk Fit is an intergenerational walking program and is open to anyone looking for free, low-impact, and climate-controlled exercise. Participants enjoy great company while exercising in a safe environment. The morning walk is followed by a brief cool down and flexibility session led by VHC Health staff. For more information, please call Senior Health: 703.558.6859 or email
Also of Interest
Understanding the Role of Palliative Care
Friday, May 19
11:00 am – 12:00pm
Palliative care is often a misunderstood and underutilized area of medicine that many associate with end of life. In practice, it can be source of comfort and improved quality of life at any stage of an illness. Learn about the types of palliative care that are available, when and how they are utilized, and how palliative care is similar and different from hospice care. VHC Health physician Michael Westerman, MD, a specialist in geriatric medicine and palliative care, will discuss the role and benefits of palliative care. Registration required.
2023 Sourcebook Is Available in Print and Online
The new 2023 edition of the Positive Aging Sourcebook is available online or in print for FREE. You can browse the online edition or request a free print copy. The Sourcebook has good articles and exhaustive lists of different services available to older adults.
Aging Matters Radio and TV
Aging Matters radio is a weekly program on Arlington’s community radio station WERA Arlington 96.7 FM. Every Tuesday at 2 pm and Friday at 2 pm, host Cheryl Beversdorf interviews experts on topics impacting the lives of older adults and their families. All Aging Matters broadcasts can be found on Apple and Spotify. Aging Matters TV Show offers interviews with aging experts, including demonstrations of aging related subjects. Stories of Life programs feature interviews with older adults who have made a difference in their communities.
Shared Area Village Events Calendar
The Washington Area Villages are sharing their speaker series for all of us to enjoy. Please visit their calendar to see what’s available.
Page Turners Book List
March by Geraldine Brooks
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
Path of the Assassin by Brad Thor
Twilight of Democracy by Anne Applebaum
In the Unlikely Event by Judy Blume
Book Lovers by Emily Henry
Masked Prey by John Stanford
A Space Trilogy by CS Lewis
Remember as an ANV member, you also receive membership in Arlington’s 55+ Program. During COVID, many programs are on-line, and the Guide is now published quarterly. The Summer Guide is available online.
ANV Events are posted on our online calendar so you can always easily find the Zoom link for any scheduled event.