Community Update (8/1/2023)
County Fair, August 16-20
The Arlington County Fair will be held August 16 to August 20 at the Thomas Jefferson Community Center at 3501 Second Street South. On Thursday, August 17, there will be a Night Market of local artisans and their handmade goods. On Saturday, August 19 at noon, you can watch the pie-eating contest in the Fitness Center (was that the best location?). Of special interest, ANV will host an information table in the Exhibit Hall on Friday evening August 18 and Saturday and Sunday August 19-20. Please come visit us, and if you are so inclined, volunteer to staff the ANV table for a two hour shift over the weekend. Staffing the table is easy – you get to share information about ANV with fair-goers; you get to visit the other exhibitors; and you get to eat junk food! To sign up to staff the ANV table, please click on this link.
Volunteer and Member Surveys
Keep an eye on your email inbox for the Volunteer and Member Surveys that will be issued in early August. ANV is looking for your feedback to help us assess our performance and plan for the future. Your input is valued. We will take extra steps to get the Member Survey to ANV members who do not use email.
Home Safety Assessment
Home Safety is crucial for successful aging-in-place! Yet, certain Arlington homes were not designed to meet the safety needs that emerge in our older years. Many of us notice safety concerns within our homes and wonder how to address these – such as difficulty seeing in dimly-lit areas, unsteadiness when accessing the tub/shower and toilet, slipping on rugs, trouble balancing on stairs, and more. ANV can help! Our Home Safety Assessment service is provided in-person in your home by trained and experienced volunteers. We identify potential safety hazards and discuss possible solutions with you. Depending on the situation, solutions may be implemented by you, ANV volunteers, or professional contractors. You have full control over the scope and pacing of both the assessment and any modifications you choose to make. We look forward to working with you to increase safety in your home, enhancing your ability to live well, independently. Full members can learn more or request a Home Safety Assessment by contacting the ANV Office at 703-509-8057 or
Arlington Commission on Aging seeking members
The Arlington Commission on Aging is a 17-member County Board-appointed advisory body comprised of individuals who are interested in and knowledgeable about aging issues and services. The Commission is seeking new members; if you are interested, please submit an application. The Commission meets on the 3rd Monday of the month March through December and the 4th Monday in January, February, and June from 9:00 am – 11:00 am.
Save the Date, 55+ Fall Program Registration is August 16
The 55+ Fall Guide will be issued soon. Registration for Fall Classes is Wednesday, August 16 at 10 am for Arlington County residents. Save the date in your calendar so you can sign up for the most popular classes.
Save the Date, ANV All Hands Meeting, Saturday September 9
ANV is hosting an in-person All Hands meeting on Saturday, September 9; this is your opportunity to share your perspective on ANV operations and plans for the future. We last had an in-person All Hands meeting on February 29, 2020 right before the pandemic forced us all indoors. More information will be shared in upcoming newsletters.
New Members
- Robert Binswanger
- “Lynn” Li-chuang Chi and Alaric Radosh
- Valerie Johnston
- Crista Martin
- Sheridan Swope
- Ann Zuniga
New Volunteers
- Emily Clapp
- Ruchi Jiwrajka
- Laura Rodriguez
- Samantha Scott
- April Snoparsky
ANV Events are posted on our online calendar at so you can always easily find the Zoom link for any scheduled event.
Coffee and Conversation on Wednesdays at 10 am
- August 2: The Museum of Contemporary Art
- August 9: Understanding Osteoporosis
- August 16: Arlington County Public Library
Special Events
Weekly Groups
- Tai Chi
- Bocce
- Happy Hour
- Board Games
Monthly Groups
- Men’s Lunch Bunch
- Ladies Lunch
- Pop Up Picnic
- Page Turners
Educational Activities
- Wellness
Also of Interest
ANV Activities
Coffee and Conversation: Wednesdays at 10 am
Coffee and Conversation occurs on Wednesdays, 10–11 am. Join our weekly conversations via Zoom:
You also have the option to dial in by phone to participate without video. For that, dial: 929-205-6099. The meeting ID is 889 4857 7106 and the passcode is 872327.
Wednesday, August 2: The Museum of Contemporary Art. Arlington connects the public with contemporary art and artists through exhibitions, educational programs, and artist residencies. Operations Manager, Rhe’a Roland-Singer has a background in wearable art and theatre costume design and manages the museum. She will talk about ongoing and upcoming exhibits and events.
Wednesday, August 9: Understanding Osteoporosis. Join Cathy Turner, Director of Health Promotion and Senior Health at VHC Health, to learn about bone basics, the risk factors for osteoporosis and what you can do to prevent, detect, and treat the disease.
Wednesday, August 16: Arlington County Public Library Director Diane Kresh will speak about the role public libraries play in the life of our community. She also will describe her 40-year library career which included a 31-year stint at the Library of Congress. Since she joined Arlington as Director of Libraries in April 2006, Diane has championed literacy, community engagement, intergenerational participation, and the rights of women in the workplace. Learn more about Diane at the Library’s website,
ANV’s YouTube channel
If you miss a Coffee and Conversation speaker, be sure to check out ANV’s YouTube channel where we are posting some of our Coffee and Conversation speakers and other special events. Sit back and enjoy!
Special Events
County Fair, August 16-20
The Arlington County Fair will be held August 16 to August 20 at the Thomas Jefferson Community Center at 3501 Second Street South. On Thursday, August 17, there will be a Night Market of local artisans and their handmade goods. On Saturday, August 19 at noon, you can watch the pie-eating contest in the Fitness Center (was that the best location?). Of special interest, ANV will host an information table in the Exhibit Hall on Friday evening August 18 and Saturday and Sunday August 19-20. Please come visit us, and if you are so inclined, volunteer to staff the ANV table for a two hour shift over the weekend. Staffing the table is easy – you get to share information about ANV with fair-goers; you get to visit the other exhibitors; and you get to eat junk food! To sign up to staff the ANV table, please click on this link.
Weekly Events
Zoom Practice Session
If you need some extra help getting familiar with ZOOM, just call or email and we will set you up with a volunteer who can help you.
Tai Chi: Tuesdays at 9:30 am
ANV Tai Chi practice meets outdoors every week, weather permitting. Meet the group in the parking lot at Museum of Contemporary Art (formerly Arlington Arts Center) at 3550 Wilson Blvd. If the forecast is too cold or wet, we will meet indoors. If you are interested in joining this practice (not instruction), please contact Anita Wallgren at or (202) 674-5553 to get the weekly location email.
Bocce, Mondays at 6:00pm
ANV members, volunteers, and friends enjoy weekly outdoor bocce every Monday in Ballston at 6:00pm. Games last approximately one hour. In addition to the two sets of bocce balls, we have two sets of boules. Bocce is played at the courts on the corner of Randolph St. & N. Glebe Rd. Parking is available in the Ballston Quarter parking garage for $1. All levels of bocce skills and experience are welcome. Everyone gets to play. Contact John Thomas for more information at
ANV Board Games Day, Thursday, August 10 and August 24 at 2pm
Do you like board games? Join ANV members and volunteers for Games Day at Ballston Quarter Food Hall (lower level). Look for players at the tables near the elevators. Play games like Scrabble, Mexican Train Dominoes, Cribbage, Ticket to Ride, Quiddler, and more. We play every other Thursday at 2pm. Parking is available in the Ballston Quarter parking garage for $1. Contact John Thomas for more information at .
Happy Hour: Thursdays, 5–7 pm
Join the ANV Happy Hour Group. The Happy Hour Group will try locations in the Ballston area. For more information and to know the weekly plan, contact Mike Murtha, Happy Hour Coordinator at Mike will add you to his email list and let you know the weekly location on Thursday morning.
Monthly Events
Women’s and Men’s Lunch Bunch Together in August! Friday, August 11 at noon
The men and ladies will get together to enjoy each other’s company for a joint lunch on Friday, August 11 at noon at the Quarterdeck Restaurant in Rosslyn, 1200 Fort Myer Drive. Parking is available on the streets near the restaurant. The Quarterdeck serves a wide variety of seafood and classic American fare. We will be dining outdoors so you may need to bring a hat. Who should you RSVP to? Tim and Elise will be on the road so please RSVP to Roslyn Rubin at or call 703-298-7780 to let her know you are coming so we may have an accurate count of attendees for our reservation. The restaurant cannot do individual bills so please bring CASH to pay for your lunch.
Page Turners – August 24 at 11am on Zoom
Share a book that you have read, and you think would be interesting for other people to read. It can be something you are reading now, or a book you enjoyed in the past. Meet up with your fellow bibliophiles, share opinions, and learn about new books to add to your reading list. The group is hosted by Donna Pastore and Beverly Cannizzaro.
Join the conversation via Zoom:
You also have the option to dial in by phone to participate without video. For that, dial: 301-715-8592. The meeting ID is 896 6678 5566 and the passcode is 007241.
From its last meeting, here are the books Page Turners discussed:
A Dangerous Business by Jane Smiley
The Lincoln Highway by Alvin Towles
The Loop by Jacob Ward
The Secret Life of Sunflowers by Martha Mulnar
Crying at H Mart by Michelle Zauner
Pop Up Picnic in the Park (PPP), Friday August 25 at noon
Our next Pop Up Picnic will be Friday, August 25 at a location to be announced in the August 15 newsletter. PPPs are scheduled the last Friday of the month at a different Arlington neighborhood park. ANV members and volunteers enjoy PPPs for casual outdoor conversation and fresh air. Bring your own lunch and something to drink. Contact John Thomas,, if you have any questions.
Educational Activities
Arlington Public Library Programs
The Library has several events planned for August; please visit their website to see the calendar of events. The Library staff have curated events from the 55+ Program, Encore Learning and elsewhere to make it easy to find something that will pique your interest. There are craft programs, book clubs, and more. It’s worth 5 minutes of your time to click on the calendar and see what’s happening at your local branch of the library.
Our wellness message this month is to enjoy the summer safely.
Also of Interest
Aging Matters Radio and TV
Aging Matters radio is a weekly program on Arlington’s community radio station WERA Arlington 96.7 FM. Every Tuesday at 2 pm and Friday at 2 pm, host Cheryl Beversdorf interviews experts on topics impacting the lives of older adults and their families. All Aging Matters broadcasts can be found on Apple and Spotify. Aging Matters TV Show offers interviews with aging experts, including demonstrations of aging related subjects. Stories of Life programs feature interviews with older adults who have made a difference in their communities.
Shared Area Village Events Calendar
The Washington Area Villages are sharing their speaker series for all of us to enjoy. Please visit their calendar to see what’s available.
Remember as an ANV member, you also receive membership in Arlington’s 55+ Program. During COVID, many programs are on-line, and the Guide is now published quarterly. The Summer Guide is available online.
ANV Events are posted on our online calendar so you can always easily find the Zoom link for any scheduled event.